Trumpet Flower delivered a unique visual experience with a functional purpose—a shade structure— that drew the attention of viewers and users alike. The shape was inspired by a trumpet flower, but inverted so that it opens down into the open space created by the surrounding buildings. Slats of brightly colored recycled wood were painted at a community painting party and woven together to complete the functional sculpture.
Trumpet Flower was part of Art Blocks, a temporary public art initiative created and managed by the Houston Downtown Management District. From lessons learned about public art’s capacity to awaken change in areas that have not yet realized their full potential, Art Blocks strives to enliven underutilized areas of Downtown Houston.
Artist: Flying Carpet Creative (Instagram/Website)
Location: Downtown Houston
Date: 2016
Type: Site-specific Temporary Artwork Commission
Role: Project Manager at Weingarten Art Group
Photos by Joel Luks/CKP Group, courtesy of Houston Downtown Management District